Spring 2023
Vol. 13, No. 1
A Man Called Beast
Southerners vilified Union general Benjamin Butler for his wartime actions. Did he deserve it?
By Elizabeth D. Leonard
The Illustrator
A look at the Civil War artwork of Thomas Nast
The Touch of Tragedy
Custis Lee and the burden of family history
By Colin Edward Woodward
Editorial: Rethinking the Beast
Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest
Voices: Battle Fatigue
Preservation: Another Gettysburg Victory
Faces of War: An Empty Sleeve after Fredericksburg
Figures: Beasts of Burden
Cost of War: Colonel Abram Duryee’s Silver Tray
In Focus: Richmond after the Fall
Fighting Words: “To Jump the Broomstick,” by Tracy L. Barnett
Crossroads: Eli Long and the Raid on Cleveland, Tennessee, by Andrew S. Bledsoe
Books & Authors:
The Top Five Civil War Biographies
By Matthew Christopher Hulbert
Voices from the Army of Northern Virginia, Part 6
By Gary W. Gallagher
Parting Shot: A Vinegar Valentine