
Published: 8/27/14
JENKINS: The Battle of Peach Tree Creek (2014)
The Battle of Peach Tree Creek: Hood’s First Sortie, July 20, 1864 by Robert D. Jenkins, Sr. Mercer University Press, 2014. Cloth, ISBN: 978-0881463965. $35.00. July 17, 1864, was a momentous...
Published: 8/27/14
VENET: A Changing Wind (2014)
A Changing Wind: Commerce & Conflict in Civil War Atlanta by Wendy Hamand Venet. Yale University Press, 2014. Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-300-19216-2. $30.00. Wendy Venet’s interesting new social history of Atlanta during the...
Published: 8/20/14
MACKOWSKI & WHITE: Simply Murder (2013)
Simply Murder: The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862 by Chris Mackowski and Kristopher D. White. Savas Beatie, 2013. Paper, ISBN: 1611211468. $12.95. This engaging volume, part of the “Emerging Civil...
Published: 8/20/14
FRESE: Concord and the Civil War (2014)
Concord and the Civil War: From Walden Pond to the Gettysburg Front by Rick Frese. History Press, 2014. Paper, ISBN: 1626192944. $19.99. Rick Frese’s Concord and the Civil War: From Walden...
Published: 8/13/14
PRINCE: Stories of the South (2014)
Stories of the South: Race and the Reconstruction of Southern Identity, 1865-1915 by K. Stephen Prince. University of North Carolina Press, 2014. Cloth, ISBN: 1469614189. $39.95. In Stories of the South: Race...
Published: 8/6/14
O’CONNELL: Fierce Patriot (2014)
Fierce Patriot: The Tangled Lives of William Tecumseh Sherman by Robert L. O’Connell. Random House, 2014. Cloth, ISBN: 9781400069729. $28.00. It is a respected aphorism that each generation possesses the inherent...
Published: 8/6/14
KORDA: Clouds of Glory (2014)
Clouds of Glory: The Life and Legend of Robert E. Lee by Michael Korda. HarperCollins, 2014. Cloth, ISBN: 0062116290. $40.00. There are two difficulties in the path of any biography of...
Published: 7/30/14
SMITH (ed.): Race and Recruitment (2013)
Race and Recruitment edited by John David Smith. Kent State University Press, 2013. Paper, ISBN: 9781606351802. $29.95. In recognition of Civil War History‘s 60th anniversary, the editors at Kent State University Press...
Published: 7/30/14
DIOUF: Slavery’s Exiles (2014)
Slavery’s Exiles: The Story of the American Maroons by Sylviane A. Diouf. New York University Press, 2014. Cloth, IBSN: 081472437X. $29.95. In 1838, authorities discovered a trapdoor hidden beneath a pile...
Published: 7/23/14
GOTTFRIED: The Maps of the Bristoe Station and Mine Run Campaigns (2013)
The Maps of the Bristoe Station and Mine Run Campaigns: An Atlas of the Battles and Movements in the Eastern Theater after Gettysburg, Including Rappahannock Station, Kelly’s Ford, and Morton’s...
Published: 7/21/14
Terry’s Texas Rangers
It had been just one month since the Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in April 1861, launching the Civil War. Texas and ten other states seceded from the Union and then...
Published: 7/16/14
EMBERTON: Beyond Redemption (2013)
Beyond Redemption: Race, Violence, and the American South after the Civil War by Carole Emberton. University of Chicago Press, 2013. Cloth, ISBN: 022602427X. $45.00. This book surprised me. I expected an...
Published: 7/16/14
SMITH & LOWERY (eds.): The Dunning School (2013)
The Dunning School: Historians, Race, and the Meaning of Reconstruction edited by John David Smith and J. Vincent Lowery. The University Press of Kentucky, 2013. Cloth, ISBN: 0813142253. $40.00. It seems...
Published: 7/9/14
CASTEL (with SIMPSON): Victors in Blue (2011)
Victors in Blue: How Union Generals Fought the Confederates, Battled Each Other, and Won the Civil War by Albert Castel with Brooks D. Simpson. University Press of Kansas, 2011. Cloth, ISBN:...
Published: 7/9/14
LONG: Doctoring Freedom (2012)
Doctoring Freedom: The Politics of African American Medical Care in Slavery and Emancipation by Gretchen Long. University of North Carolina Press, 2012. Cloth, ISBN: 0807835838. $37.50. Gretchen Long’s Doctoring Freedom: The Politics...
Published: 7/9/14
DUNKERLY, PFANZ & RUTH: No Turning Back (2014)
No Turning Back – A Guide to the Overland Campaign, from May 4-June 13, 1864 by Robert M. Dunkerly, Donald C. Pfanz, and David R. Ruth. Savas Beatie, 2014. Paper, ISBN:...
Published: 7/2/14
MORGAN: The Civil War Lover’s Guide to New York City (2013)
The Civil War Lover’s Guide to New York City by Bill Morgan. Savas Beatie, 2013. Paper, ISBN: 1611211220. $18.95. Bill Morgan has written a wonderful guidebook to the Civil War in...
Published: 7/2/14
PLUMB (ed.): Your Brother in Arms (2011)
Your Brother in Arms: A Union Soldier’s Odyssey edited by Robert C. Plumb. University of Missouri Press, 2011. Cloth, ISBN: 0826219209. $34.95. In August 1862, nineteen year old George Pressly McClelland,...