
Published: 9/15/15
The Dead of Antietam
“Mr. Brady has done something to bring home to us the terrible reality and earnestness of war. If he has not brought bodies and laid them in our dooryards and...
Published: 9/9/15
HESS: Civil War Infantry Tactics (2015)
Civil War Infantry Tactics: Training, Combat, and Small-Unit Effectiveness by Earl J. Hess. Louisiana State University Press, 2015. Cloth, ISBN 978-0807159378. $45.00. Of all the Union generals of the Civil...
Published: 9/2/15
SOLONICK: Engineering Victory (2015)
Engineering Victory: The Union Siege of Vicksburg by Justin Solonick. Southern Illinois University Press, 2015. Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-8093-3391-2. $37.50. On July 4, 1863, after enduring a 47-day siege, Confederate forces under...
Published: 8/26/15
CONANT (ed.): The Gettysburg Address (2015)
The Gettysburg Address: Perspectives on Lincoln’s Greatest Speech edited by Sean Conant. Oxford University Press, 2015. Paper, ISBN: 978-0190227456. $24.95. Sean Conant has amassed an impressive array of contributors for...
Published: 8/26/15
SZASZ: Lincoln and Religion (2014)
Lincoln and Religion by Ferenc Morton Szasz with Margaret Connell Szasz. Southern Illinois University Press, 2014. Cloth, ISBN: 978-0809333219. $24.95. A perennial question about Abraham Lincoln is the nature of his...
Published: 8/19/15
DEAN: An Agrarian Republic (2015)
An Agrarian Republic: Farming, Antislavery Politics, and Nature Parks in the Civil War Era by Adam Wesley Dean. University of North Carolina Press, 2015. Paper, ISBN: 978-1469619910. $29.95. Adam Wesley...
Published: 8/12/15
DAVIS: Crucible of Command (2015)
Crucible of Command: Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee—The War They Fought, The Peace They Forged by William C. Davis. Da Capo Press, 2015. Cloth, ISBN: 978-0306822452. $32.50. The...
Published: 8/5/15
HOOD (ed.): The Lost Papers of Confederate General John Bell Hood (2015)
The Lost Papers of Confederate General John Bell Hood edited by Stephen M. Hood. Savas Beatie, 2015. Cloth, ISBN: 978-1-61121-182-5. $32.95. In 2012, author Stephen M. Hood revealed the existence...
Published: 7/25/15
MASUR: Lincoln’s Last Speech (2015)
Lincoln’s Last Speech: Wartime Reconstruction and the Crisis of Reunion by Louis P. Masur. Oxford University Press, 2015. Cloth, IBSN: 978-0190218393. $24.95. It has long been observed that scholarly works...
Published: 7/22/15
SUDEROW & HOUSE: The Battle of Pilot Knob (2014)
The Battle of Pilot Knob: Thunder in Arcadia Valley by Bryce A. Suderow and R. Scott House. Southeast Missouri State University Press, 2014. Paper, ISBN: 978-0990353027. $20.00. The lovely Arcadia...
Published: 7/10/15
An Interview with Brian Matthew Jordan
Our conversation with Brian Matthew Jordan, a Lecturer at Gettysburg College and recent author of “Marching Home: Union Veterans and Their Unending Civil War,” published by W.W. Norton. In this...
Published: 7/8/15
DRAKE (ed.): The Blue, the Gray, and the Green (2015)
The Blue, the Gray, and the Green: Toward an Environmental History of the Civil War edited by Brian Allen Drake. University of Georgia Press, 2015. Paper, IBSN: 978-0820347158. $22.95. A...
Published: 7/5/15
RAFUSE (ed.): Corps Commanders in Blue (2014)
Corps Commanders in Blue: Union Major Generals in the Civil War edited by Ethan S. Rafuse. Louisiana State University Press, 2014. Cloth, ISBN: 978-0807157022. $45.00. No subject in Civil War...
Published: 7/1/15
HAGLER: Georgia’s Confederate Monuments (2014)
Georgia’s Confederate Monuments: In Honor of a Fallen Nation by Gould B. Hagler, Jr. Mercer University Press, 2014. Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-88146-466-5. $45.00. The expanding field of Civil War memory has opened...
Published: 6/25/15
GALLMAN & GALLAGHER (eds.): Lens of War (2015)
Lens of War: Exploring Iconic Photographs of the Civil War edited by J. Matthew Gallman and Gary W. Gallagher. University of Georgia Press, 2015. Cloth, IBSN: 978-0820348100. $32.95. In terms of...
Published: 6/19/15
An Interview with Lisa Tendrich Frank
Our conversation with Lisa Tendrich Frank, historian and recent author of “The Civilian War: Confederate Women and Union Soldiers during Sherman’s March,” now out with Louisiana State University Press. In...
Published: 6/17/15
Civil War Quarters
While army regulations set strict guidelines for the layout of army camps—prescribing, for instance, that tents be arranged in neat rows by company—in many cases “there was much of the...
Published: 6/17/15
BREWSTER: Lincoln’s Gamble (2014)
Lincoln’s Gamble: The Tumultuous Six Months That Gave America the Emancipation Proclamation and Changed the Course of the Civil War by Todd Brewster. Scribner, 2014. Cloth, IBSN: 978-1451693867. $27.00. “I love...