Published: 9/4/24
The Abraham Lincoln Book of Quotes (2023)
In "The Abraham Lincoln Book of Quotes," editor Travis Hellstrom presents some of the sixteenth president's "most loved wisdom.”Published: 9/2/24
The Civil War’s Miracle Drugs
Medicine during the Civil War is often thought of as having been dangerous and backward. Surgeon General of the U.S. Army William A. Hammond, who served from 1861-1863, is supposed...Published: 8/28/24
The Civil War in the Age of Nationalism (2024)
In "The Civil War in the Age of Nationalism," Niels Eichhorn and Duncan Campbell offer a convincing study of how the Civil War fit into broader international movements.Published: 8/26/24
Extra Voices: Killing the Enemy
In the Voices section of our Summer 2024 issue we highlighted quotes by Union and Confederate soldiers that revealed their thoughts about killing the enemy. Unfortunately, we didn’t have room...Published: 8/23/24
The Coffee Wagon
In 1863, Philadelphia pharmacist Jacob Dunton designed and built a coffee wagon he then donated to the United States Christian Commission (USCC), an organization whose volunteers (known as “delegates”) provided...Published: 8/21/24
“Tell Mother Not to Worry” (2024)
Kirkwood’s study will undoubtedly appeal to Gettysburg aficionados. However, its utility should extend far beyond students of the conflict’s largest and costliest engagement.Published: 8/19/24
Rivers Running Red
What does the mighty Mississippi have in common with the Potomac and Stones rivers? According to those who carve monuments and write local histories, on at least one occasion, all...Published: 8/16/24
Death of a Patriotic Lady
In 1865, the United States Sanitary Commission (USSC), an organization whose volunteer members had worked to support sick and wounded Union troops during the conflict, published a book titled Soldiers’...Published: 8/14/24
Texas Coastal Defense in the Civil War (2024)
William Nelson Fox’s new book supplies an introduction to military operations along the Texas Gulf Coast during the U.S. Civil War.12