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The Front Line
A Straggler
Harper’s Weekly “A Straggler” by Alfred R. Waud On March 28, 1863, Harper’s Weekly published Alfred R. Waud’s description, and associated illustration, of an army straggler—a class of soldier encountered…
The Front Line
Voice from the Past: “Nothing to Remind me of The Treacherous Days in March of ’62”
Good Morning! The sesquicentennial of the Battle of Pea Ridge continues today. As such, we bring you a special Voice from the Past: Asa Payne’s—of Company E, 3rd Missouri Infantry,…
The Front Line
Voices from the Past: The Battle of Dranesville
Today marks the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Dranesville, Virginia. While a small encounter by modern standards, at the time—December 1861—the battle made headlines and captured civilian attention. The…
The Front Line
Whither Public History?
CLAUDIO VAZQUEZ Visitors to Gettysburg National Military Park pause during a tour of the battlefield. Every one of you reading this magazine is a member of the public history world:…