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Published: 9/28/20
Quote for the Day: Autumn is Coming
“We were forced to breathe dust freely, but through the clouds which rose wherever the regiment moved we caught refreshing views of stately homesteads, blushing orchards, and autumn-tinted landscapes. We...
Published: 9/21/20
The Five Best Books on the African-American Civil War Experience
Library of Congress This image of an unidentified African-American soldier, his wife, and their two daughters was made between 1863 and 1865. In the midst of current events, people are...
Published: 9/18/20
Interview: Historical Tours in the Time of COVID-19
Wikipedia Soldiers’ National Monument in Gettysburg National Military Park We recently asked Richard Blackmon, director of Historic America Tours, a few questions about the challenges of conducting historical tours in...
Published: 9/7/20
Agenda: September 2020 Events
acwm.org White House of the Confederacy Looking for a Civil War event—virtual or in person—to attend in September? Below are some very good options to keep you busy. White House...
Published: 9/4/20
A Man of Sorrows
Library of Congress Abraham Lincoln in 1860 Abraham lincoln had a great reputation for humor. He cracked jokes constantly—often painfully bad ones, as when he said after examining a model...
Published: 8/25/20
Extra Voices: Thirst
Library of Congress In the Voices section of the Fall 2020 issue of The Civil War Monitor we highlighted quotes by Union and Confederate soldiers about the extreme thirst they...
Published: 8/6/20
Agenda: August 2020 Events
Library of Congress Battle of Wilson’s Creek Looking for a Civil War event—virtual or in person—to attend in August? Below are some very good options. Keep checking back as we’ll...
Published: 7/30/20
Eyewitness to the Crater
Virginia Historical Society Confederate officer William Pegram After weeks of preparation, Union forces detonated a mine under the Confederate lines outside Petersburg, Virginia, on July 30, 1864. Union infantry then...
Published: 7/30/20
The Best Books About Robert E. Lee
Library of Congress Bruce Catton When I was 12 I found a mass market paperback of Bruce Catton’s A Stillness at Appomattox, and it yanked me so deep into the...
Published: 7/25/20
An Infernal Machine
In the July 27, 1861, issue of Harper’s Weekly, the editors published a small story about an “infernal machine” recently removed from the Potomac River near where the sloop-of-war USS...
Published: 7/10/20
The Greatest Bards: Part 2
Library of Congress Bruce Catton When I was 12 I found a mass market paperback of Bruce Catton’s A Stillness at Appomattox, and it yanked me so deep into the...
Published: 7/2/20
Agenda: July 2020 Events
Library of Congress The view from Little Round Top on the Gettysburg battlefield. Looking for a Civil War event—virtual or in person—to attend in July? Below are some very good...
Published: 6/15/20
Extra Voices: Camp Sports
Library of Congress Union prisoners play a game of baseball while in confinement at Salisbury, North Carolina. In the Voices section of the Summer 2020 issue of The Civil War...
Published: 6/12/20
History’s “Grant” Considered
History.com Long anticipated and much ballyhooed, History Channel’s May 2020 release of Grant, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Grant’s most recent biographer, Ron Chernow, as executive producers (no Lin-Manuel Miranda here),...
Published: 5/29/20
The Best Books About Ulysses S. Grant
We recently asked a number of top Civil War historians to let us know their favorite books about Ulysses S. Grant. The results are below. The books are ranked in...
Published: 5/22/20
The Rable Method—Time and Again
Bryan Hester, The University of Alabama Historian George C. Rable Few scholars have produced as many groundbreaking works as Civil War historian George C. Rable. Since his retirement from teaching...
Published: 5/18/20
The Greatest Bards: Part 1
Alamy Author Shelby Foote Asked to name the writer whose work had the greatest influence on their early love for the Civil War, most lay students of the conflict would...
Published: 5/15/20
The Five Best Books on Civil War Combat
Library of Congress “Spare Cartridges” by Alfred R. Waud In considering the vast literature on combat in the Civil War, one is hard-pressed to limit a selection of the best...