Voice from the Past – Thanksgiving is Over

Happy Black Friday!
We hope you all had a wonderful (and delectable) Thanksgiving. Our final “Voice from the Past” comes from the November 1861 diary of Lucy Larcom of Nordom, Massachusetts.

“November 24
Thanksgiving is over; I have been to Beverly and returned. I am glad they wanted me so much, for I should not have gone without; and in this place there is little in harmony with our best home festival. Our governor’s proclamation was of the true Puritan stamp; and the day was one to be kept religiously, in view of our present national troubles, and of the strong Power that is bearing us through and over them. We are sure that God is on our side; and one of the things to be most thankful for is that the desire for the liberation of the slave is becoming universal. Our armies, that began to fight for Union alone, now see that Union is nothing without freedom, and when this Northern heart is fully inspired with that sentiment the Northern hand will strike a decisive blow; such a blow as only the might of right can direct.”

: Larcom, Lucy. “Diary of Lucy Larcom, November, 1861,” in Lucy Larcom: Life, Letters, and Diary edited by Daniel Dulany Addison (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1894).

Image Credit: Harper’s Weekly.

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