Voice from the Past: “Another Bloodless Victory”

In belated honor of the fall of Fort Pulaski (April 11, 1862), we bring you Miss Susan Walker’s account of the battle:

Friday 11th April

Heavy firing all morning yesterday and commenced again at 10 last evening, still continued till about 2 P. M., probably cannonading Fort Pulaski 6 30 miles distant — so heavy as to shake our house. If sesesh gain we will hang from the highest tree. I look at these tall pines in the grove near my window and wonder which branch will hold me. I fear not for I feel that I am sent here for good. I came not myself alone.


Yesterday at 2 P. M. Pulaski raised the white flag just in time to save the powder magazine and many lives. Only one of our men lost. Thank God! for another bloodless victory!

Source: Walker, Susan, “Diary of Susan Walker, April, 1862,” in The Journal of Miss Susan Walker, March 3rd to June 6th, 1862 edited by Henry Noble Sherwood, Henry Noble. Cincinnati,: Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, 1912.

Image Credit: Harper’s Weekly, June 1, 1861.

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