An Interview with Shauna Devine

Our conversation with Shauna Devine, Visiting Research Fellow in the department of the history of medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University and author of “Learning from the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science” now out with the University of North Carolina Press. In this interview, Dr. Devine describes the evolution of medical science from the late antebellum period through the war and into the early postbellum period. In particular, Dr. Devine stresses the impact the war had on medical specialization as well as new medical techniques amongst many other things.

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“Life Studies of the Great Army”

[A]t the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibit of 1876, Edwin Forbes, renowned for his work during the Civil War as a “special artist” forĀ Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, displayed a collection of copper…