Spring 2022
Vol. 12, No. 1
A Harvest of Death
They’re among the most iconic images of the Gettysburg battlefield. But where were they shot? Modern technology may have helped figure it out.
By Patrick Brennan
Brother vs. Brother
A look at the forces that moved Kentucky siblings to fight on opposite sides during the Civil War
By J.D. Maddox
Every Time I Feel the Spirit
Abraham Lincoln’s lifelong love affair with music
By Christian McWhirter
Editorial: A Photo Mystery Solved?
Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest
Voices: Mother Bickerdyke
Preservation: The “Final Assault”
Figures: Johnny Reb
Faces of War: A Michigander’s Fate
Cost of War: Lieutenant Ward Brooks Frothingham’s Pocket Watch
In Focus: Atlanta Before the Torch
Fighting Words: Grapevine Telegraph, by Tracy L. Barnett
Crossroads: Braxton Bragg at McLemore’s Cove, by Andrew S. Bledsoe
Books & Authors:
The Five Best Books on Civil War Memory
By Matthew Christopher Hulbert
Voices from the Army of Northern Virginia, Part 3
By Gary W. Gallagher
Parting Shot: Patriots’ Game