Winter 2015
Vol. 5, No. 4
The Art of War
An exploration of the work of Alfred R. Waud, one of the Civil War’s most prolific—and fearless—sketch artists.
Duty & the Draft
As the North turned from enlistment to conscription, a public discussion emerged about the obligations of citizens—to both their country and their families.
By J. Matthew Gallman
Election 1880
The 1880 presidential election pitted former Union generals against each other in a contest in which Civil War issues—and the candidates’ military records—resurfaced to take center stage.
By Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai
Editorial: The Art of War
Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest
Travels: A Visit to Knoxville
Voices: Winter Woes
Faces of War: Love Found and Lost
Preservation: The Case for a New State Battlefield Park
Figures: The Intrepid Professor Lowe
Cost of War: Cyrennus Stickle Diaries
In Focus: Checking the Headlines
American Iliad: Lincoln and Little Mac, by Mark Grimsley
Living History: The Modern Meade, by Jenny Johnston
Books & Authors:
The Best Civil War Books of 2015
With Elizabeth R. Varon, Brian Matthew Jordan, Ethan Rafuse, Andrew Wagenhoffer,
and Kevin M. Levin
Parting Shot: A Lost Memento