Spring 2016
Vol. 6, No. 1
Damn Yankees
In war there must be an enemy. How Confederates defined and demonized their northern opponents
By George C. Rable
In the century and a half since its creation, the Medal of Honor has been awarded 3,513 times. Of these, over 40 percent were in recognition of actions during the Civil War. We present 17 stories of extraordinary valor.
The Wilderness Revisited
A year after war’s end, former Union officer Theodore Lyman returned to the ground where the opening battle of the Overland Campaign was fought—and recorded his impressions in two detailed letters to his wife.
By Stephen W. Sears
Editorial: Hating the Enemy
Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest
Travels: A Visit to Springfield
Voices: Souvenirs
Faces of War: A Death Far From Home
Preservation: Lee’s Headquarters Saved
Figures: Life and Death on Point Lookout
Cost of War: An Instrument of War
In Focus: A Scene of Suffering
American Iliad: Ulysses S. Grant and the Long, Hard Slog, by Mark Grimsley
Living History: The Unintended Expert, by Jenny Johnston
Books & Authors:
Voices From the Army of the Potomac, Part 7
By Gary W. Gallagher
A Reconstruction Bookshelf
By Brooks D. Simpson
Parting Shot: An Unusual Accessory