Fall 2020 Civil War Monitor cover

Fall 2020

Vol. 10, No. 3

Soldiers voting during the Civil War
Civil War Sutlers' Mall
Abraham Lincoln's melancholy
The Invalid Corps during the Civil War
Colonel Emerson Opdycke


Wounded Warriors
For thousands of injured or infirm Union soldiers, the Invalid Corps provided a means to extend their military service. Not all of them were grateful for the opportunity
By Sarah Handley-Cousins

The Hero of Franklin
How quick thinking by headstrong Colonel Emerson Opdycke helped save the day for Union forces at one of the Civil War’s fiercest battles
By Andrew S. Bledsoe

Counterfeit Confederates
As the notion of sectional reconcilliation spread in the decades after the conflict, impostors showed up with invented wartime histories
By Adam H. Domby


Editorial: Mr. Lincoln’s Other Army

Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest

Voices: Thirst
Preservation: A Valuable Discovery
Faces of War: A Pint-Sized Hero
Cost of War: Mary Boykin Chesnut’s Photo Albums
Figures: The Soldier Vote
In Focus: Civil War Sutlers’ Mall


American Iliad: A Man of Sorrows, by Mark Grimsley

Fighting Words: Grin and Bear It, by Tracy L. Barnett

Books & Authors:

The Five Best Books on the Confederate Homefront
By Anne Sarah Rubin

The Five Best Books on the African-American Civil War Experience
By Holly A. Pinheiro Jr.

Parting Shot: A Sinister Band