Hints to Soldiers

The Soldier in Our Civil War, a multi-volume work about the Civil War published in 1893, showcases many of the illustrations that appeared during the conflict in Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. The editors boasted that these visuals would find favor with both young readers and old—especially former soliders, who they insisted “will turn these pages and be vividly reminded of a thousand incidents of army life.” And while most of the illustrations depicted famous battles and prominent individuals, many others documented aspects of the common soldier’s life. Shown here, with their original descriptions, are some of the scenes printed as a group under the heading “Hints to Soldiers in Camp and on the Campaign.”


"Waterskin, and mode of carrying it"

“Waterskin, and mode of carrying it”


"Signaling with a piece of looking-glass" (left) and "Cutting coarse forage into chaff"

“Signaling with a piece of looking-glass” (left) and “Cutting coarse forage into chaff”


"How to secure a prisoner"

“How to secure a prisoner”


"Bridging across a gap"

“Bridging across a gap”


"Section of tent with fireplace"

“Section of tent with fireplace”


"Underground tent with two stories"

“Underground tent with two stories”


"Descending a steep hill"

“Descending a steep hill”


"Mode of distilling sea-water"

“Mode of distilling sea-water”


"Shelter against a driving wind"

“Shelter against a driving wind”


"Safe mode of sleeping with a loaded gun"

“Safe mode of sleeping with a loaded gun”

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