Spring 2014
Vol. 4, No. 1
“A One-Armed Jersey Son-of-a-Gun”
An unquenchable thirst for war transforms a restless son of privilege into a fearless but controversial commander.
By Stephen W. Sears
Fight Songs
From inspiring anthems to humorous ditties, Civil War soldiers crafted a variety of musical lyrics to help pass the time, air laments, amuse comrades, and share their struggles.
By Christian McWhirter
Rivers, Roads, & Regiments
The 1864 Overland Campaign in pictures.
By Garry Adelman
The Ubiquitous Mr. Tanner
Grievously wounded during the conflict, Union soldier James Tanner went on to achieve both fame and infamy during his remarkable postwar life.
By James Marten
Editorial: Personal Favorites
Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest
Travels: A Visit to Frederick, Maryland
Voices: Hardtack
Preservation: Interpretation: Half the Battle
Figures: A Ticket Home
Disunion: The Freedmen of Wisconsin
In Focus: Brady’s Accidental Exposure
Casualties of War: Albert Moses Luria
Battlefield Echoes: The Wilderness, Body Counts, and Fading Hopes
Books & Authors:
Voices From the Army of the Potomac, Part 2
By Gary W. Gallagher
Civil War Personal Journals
By Robert K. Krick
Parting Shot: Take Me Out to the … Battlefield