Civil War Monitor Fall 2024 cover

Spring 2012

Vol. 2, No. 1

Civil War identification tags


Birth of a Demon
Despite his devastating sweep through Georgia and the Carolinas, William Tecumseh Sherman enjoyed a surprisingly warm postwar relationship with the South. In 1881, Jefferson Davis put an end to that.
By Thom Bassett

Sketches of War: “Life Studies of the Greaty Army” by Edwin Forbes
Debuting a decade after the guns fell silent, Edwin Forbes’ collection of copper etchings captured life in the Union army and marked the pinnacle of the renowned war artist’s career.

Dying in the Desert
In July 1861, as more than 600 Union soldiers and civilians fled from Confederate cavalry in the New Mexico Territory, they battled natural—not military—forces in the desolate Southwest.
By Megan Kate Nelson

The Spy and Robert E. Lee: Gettsyburg’s “Lost” Order, June 28, 1863
Contrary to popular belief, the Army of Northern Virginia’s venerable leader did not stumble blindly into what would turn out to be one of the Civil War’s most significant battles.
By Allen C. Guelzo


Editorial: We Have a Winner!

Dispatches: Letters to the Editor

Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest

Travels: A Visit to Winchester
Voices: Critters in Camp
Primer: Civil War ID Tags
Preservation: Battle Apps
Figures: Shot Wounds Analyzed
In Focus: The Bounty Brokers
Q&A: Author Jessica James

Casualties of War: The Children of Confederate Labs

Battlefield Echoes: Killing Stonewall Jackson

Books & Authors:

Musings of a Civil War Bibliophile: The Virtues—and Vices of Early
Confederate Biographies By Robert K. Krick
The Books That Built Me By Harold Holzer

Parting Shot: Not-So Bulletproof Vests