Summer 2016 Civil War Monitor cover

Summer 2016

Vol. 6, No. 2

The Redemption of Abraham Lincoln
Conrad Wise Chapman


The Redemption of Abraham Lincoln
The last century hasn’t been kind to the legacy of the Great Emancipator. Is it time to set the record straight?
By Allen C. Guelzo

Rebel Artist
Scenes from the siege of Charleston, South Carolina, as painted by Confederate soldier Conrad Wise Chapman

“Quite a Spirited Little Affair”
The Second Battle of Rappahannock Station, Virginia, fought on November 7, 1863, saw General George G. Meade and the Army of the Potomac seize one opportunity—and let another slip away.
By Eric J. Wittenberg


Editorial: Abe in the Crosshairs

Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest

Travels: A Visit to Charleston
Voices: War Wisdom
Faces of War: A Pickett’s Charge Survivor
Preservation: Final Push at Perryville
Figures: Stride of a Giant
Cost of War: A Battle-tested Coat
In Focus: Calm Before the Storm


American Iliad: Little Mac Fauntleroy, by Mark Grimsley
Living History: The History Keeper, by Jenny Johnston

Books & Authors:

The Books That Built Me

By Gary W. Gallagher

The Business of History Books

With Theodore P. Savas


Parting Shot: Jefferson Davis Revealed